Welcome to Paisley Threads

Paisley Threads, a quilt, yarn, wool, embroidery store in New London MN.  We also have a variety of gifts including puzzles, SWIG mugs, greeting cards and so much more! Coffee is always on, come for a visit.

Meet the Creator of Paisley Threads

Hello, welcome to Paisley Threads of New London, Minnesota! I'm Pastor Linda, the creator of Paisley Threads. I am passionate about caring for people and giving them experiences in which they feel special. I very much enjoy quilting, knitting, reading, and doing and trying other crafts, as well, I enjoy planning and hosting retreats. I combine these loves to host quilting, knitting, and women's retreats. I am an ordained Lutheran pastor, and I am passionate about bringing God's love into the retreats. I am married, a mother, and a grandmother and have had many life experiences that have brought both joy and sorrow. 

In God's Peace, 
Pastor Linda

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